2018 Cohort Email List


Date: 20th Sept 2021 

To: ALL 2018 Cohort Students both Full –Time and Distance learners 

Chalimbana University is now providing student emails ( 2005040300@chau.ac.zm ) for  learning and teaching purposes, this is to allow students effectively communicate, access  information and library books (e-library) from any mobile device, tablet, or computer—from  online google drive storage. 

In addition, student emails will allow students to collaborate with classmates and lecturers,  submit assignments on google classroom online and access class materials, attend live lessons  on Google Meet for online classes and live video conferencing, Video calling with unlimited  teaching/meeting hours and number of participants (students).  

Would like to inform all the 2018 Cohort students both Full-time and Distance that emails  have been created as shown below; therefore you are required to activate the email account  within 48 hours. Open https://www.google.com and click on sign in as indicated below:

Sign in ID: 2005040300@chau.ac.zm using chalimbana university student, whereas the  prefix ten digits represent your Student identity Number (computer number) and  

Password: Chalimbana2018 You are kindly reminded to change your password for  security purposes. 

Once you have opened, click on the nine (9) bulleted dots as shown below 

Click on Drive to open and access the materials or scroll down to access google classroom
