About the School
The School of Early Childhood Studies is one of the academic units of the University. The School trains teachers, care givers and individuals working with children in related programmes. This is in line with the 8th National Development Plan that envisages a population of educated society by the year 2030 and beyond through Early Childhood Care, Development and Education. The teachers and care givers trained offer modern stimulating education and care services to children thereby building a better educated and motivated adult society in later years. The School has two departments namely; Early Childhood Education and, Childcare and Development. Currently, the School has 2 running programmes and 2 that are still underdevelopment.
Programmes Offered
The school is currently offering the following programs
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor of Science in Child Care and Development
- Bachelor of Science in Child and Youth Studies
Minimum Entry Requirements
Five (5) O-Level credits or better; these must include English Language and Mathematics.
Course Duration
The course study shall be completed in a period of four (years). You can pursue the course under: Full-Time or Long Distance learning.